Magsoft Corporation

Multiple Excitations

When you model a piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, or electrostrictive device, you may need to include multiple electrical or magnetic excitations in your model.

ATILA can handle multiple electrical and magnetic excitations at the same time. You can also define phase shifts among the excitations. The actuation of a magnetostrictive linear motor, based on Akuta's motor, shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11

The two rods of magnetostrictive material must be excited with a 90 phase shift in order to produce the elliptical motion of the contact shoe. The modelled portion of the motor corresponds to the stator of the motor. The elliptical motion of the stator is transferred by friction to the rotor (a cup-like shaped surface which passes into the contact shoe's hollow cylinder). The result is a rotational motion of the rotor.

The use of multiple excitation sources is very useful for studying most motors that are based on active materials. ATILA handles these multiple sources and provides you with very realistic, accurate, and easy-to-use results.

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